Desirée Börjesdotter

Director Plant Breeding

Cereals, oilseeds, forage crops, willow

Field testing, laboratory analyses and plant breeding related research.

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Dirk Hasemann

Account Manager Seeds International

Forage grass and clover, cereals, oilseed and pulses

Business development, license agreements, variety screening and testing, official trials and seed multiplication.

Western, Central and Southern Europe, North and South America and Asia Pacific.

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Dzintars Jaks

Account Manager Seeds

Cereals, oilseeds and pulses

Business development, license agreements, variety screening and testing, official trials and seed multiplication.

The Baltic Countries, Poland, Czech and Slovak Republic, Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and Austria.

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Louise Frostgård

Account Manager Seeds, Nordic countries

Forage grass and clover, cereals, oilseed and pulses

Business development, license agreements, variety screening and testing, official trials and seed multiplication. 

The Nordic countries.

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